Are you in need of some help with History? Would you love to have a history guide to help with your lesson planning? It’s that time of year when we all jump for joy over school supplies, planners, and back to school thoughts! As a homeschool family, we don’t see this time as a chance to pawn our kids off at the local school, but rather to enjoy them again! Summer has its fun, but I love the start of school with it’s routine and schedules that keep things running smooth!

Part of that back to school time, is planning out our studies. For those of us who use Classical Conversations, we already know what our kids will be learning about, but it’s always fun to find ways to build on the memory work for the Foundations kids. History and Science are wonderful subjects to “flesh out” with living books, research, and discovery! But….how? I have used many different approaches and finally settled on a History and Science bin approach that you can read about. I’ve loved it and it works for so many ages! However, I’ve been approached by some moms who really just want a little more guidance.

A few years ago, I wrote down my plans and developed a History Lesson Plan Guide that is useful to ANY homeschooler but goes especially well with CC Foundations. Let’s take a look at the first one….

This one is great for anyone studying Middle Ages, or who are doing CC Cycle 2 weeks 1-7

Conquerors and Reformers unit of the History Lesson Guides.  This 7 week unit focuses on famous leaders, conquerors, and reformers of the Middle Ages through readings, map work, art projects, notebooking, and more.  If you’re studying the Middle Ages you’ll want to take a look at this unit!

(Also….we have a second unit that covers the rest of Cycle 2 Semester 1 as well called Explorers and Monarchs)

So here it is….



This unit study will help guide you through 7 weeks of study using amazing resources like Story of the World (Vol. 2), Kingfisher Encyclopedia, Everything You Need to Know about World History Homework, and more.  Not only that, but there are crafts, activities, map work, notebooking, etc..


NEW: This History unit also includes literature connections that provide suggested history-based literature for your child or your family to read as you go through the unit.



literature guide pic



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