Do you have a strong foundation of faith? Do you know what the Bible says about faith? Knowing what they Bible says about faith is so important to our Spiritual walk. The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. Wow! What is faith? How can we have faith? God wants us to have his Word in our hearts so that we can meditate on them, know them, pray according to them. In today’s world of technology, scripture memorization is a lost practice.
We need to change that. As a Classical Educator, I believe in the importance of memorization. I spend a lot of time helping my children memorize key facts, important events, complete timelines, etc. Yet, I have to constantly remind myself that scripture needs to be at the top of that list. Knowledge of our world is very important and I believe God loves when learn about this world and our history, but knowledge without God in the center is just noise. It’s wasted. We must put God at the center of all we do.
So how can we easily and quickly work to put scripture into our hearts and mind? Honestly, you need NOTHING but the Bible. Pick some verses and work on memorizing them. Write them down, say them, sing them, talk about them. But if you’re like me, a short list of some key verses is helpful. That’s why I created these Simply Scripture Memory Cards. I wanted a set of scriptures that focused on a certain theme to work on. The first set is “Foundations of Faith” and the scriptures all focus on faith scriptures. You’ll learn the definition of faith, how we please God with our faith, how our faith protects us, and more.
It is through these scriptures, as we get them into our hearts and minds, that we can then pray more effectively. We can use God’s Word in prayer so that we can pray according to the Word (1 John 5:14).
How to Use Simple Scripture Cards
The card sets come as either a PDF download or printed/laminated. You can hole punch them and put them on a ring, or keep the cards separate and put them in places that you can see them everyday. Once you have your cards, you can start with ANY card you want. If you just want to memorize the cards, you can use the simple method mention in the beginning of the book. However, if you’d like to dig deeper into more of a study, you can read through our free eBook which has several different ways you can focus on the scripture to not only memorize it, but to fully understand it. Using the Classical Model, the eBook will show you how to start with Grammar stage of memorization, move into the Dialectic stage of understanding the scripture, and then finally experience the Rhetorical stage of wisdom.
Also included in our eBook is a printable Scripture Journal sheet. You can use this for personal study and reflection of each verse either by yourself, or as a family. Print out several and keep with your Bible to write down your thoughts and prayers as you read the Word.
I hope these simple cards (and the free ebook) bring joy to your family as you continue to put God at the center of all you do!