High-quality, Self-paced, Online Homeschool Resources {SchoolhouseTeachers.com}

As a brand new member of The Old Schoolhouse® Homeschool Review Crew, I was given the opportunity to do my first review on a Yearly Membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com!

Let me say that, honestly, I went into the review feeling neutral about it.  I hadn’t heard about SchoolhouseTeachers.com before and just from the short description given I figured that it would be okay, but nothing amazing.

Boy was I wrong! 

First let me say that at first I was actually overwhelmed with all that this site offered! There was so much there, that I didn’t fully grasp what I could actually do or gain from my membership! Luckily, they have this great button that says “Start Here!” It’s a great place to find out info for both new homeschoolers and new users of the site! You’ll also find out that they offer more than 250 courses for kids aged Preschool-Highschool!  There’s even stuff for us parents!

Besides the online courses, there are a TON of resources, printables, checklists, and more! You know me… they had me at the word “printable,” if you know what I mean!

So after spending a few days just taking it all in…and finding their monthly meal list!!!….I finally settled on a few courses that we could try with my kids!

NOTE: Something that I want to make sure you understand is that when you pay for a membership, it covers your ENTIRE family! Yep….not “per child!” With one subscription, you can use EVERYTHING! 

For my 6th grader, I picked a Geography course.  It has been great! First, the “teacher” of the course is from Knowledge Quest, which I’ve wanted to use!  This has been a great way to try out a product! The course is a full year course, but I just picked out units/lessons that match up with what we were studying.  They had an Industrial England and Europe section which fit in PERFECTLY to our current history studies! It was so easy! Just click the course link and everything is there to print!


For my 10th grader, I picked the Web & Game Design course.  We were actually looking around for a course like this, but only found courses online that were very expensive! I was super excited when I found it online here as part of my Yearly Membership!

This was really exciting because this EXACT course from the EXACT same company is way more if I just went to their website and took the course! But because it’s part of the SchoolhouseTeachers.com site, I get it included as part of my membership!

You might notice at the top right of the screenshot there is a link “Print Certificate of Completion.” I love this! For a high school student, this is important! I can print this out when he’s finished and put it in with his portfolio! The course has been great!  My son easily follows along and can work through the course quicker when he’s able!



Speaking of High School…. check out this list of great resources offered!



Media and More:

As if that wasn’t enough….Membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com gives you and your family access to hundreds of streaming videos!!  Yep… want to see Drive Thru History?  How about Right Now Media? Or some of these others…. Vision Video, Discovery House, Boat Angel, City on a Hill? These are all included with your membership!  Can you believe that?

What You Will LOVE:

Let me say that I think the Yearly Membership is totally worth it!  I mean just these two courses alone are a great bargain (compared to purchasing them separately), let alone all the other courses we will use in the future. And can I just mention that high school courses like Algebra, Geometry, Biology, History, etc… are all available!

The amount of materials, resources, and tools on this site is amazing. I keep discovering more and more every day! Look at these great courses just for us parents…


The course list of over 250 courses will give you wonderful inspiration for future learning with you and your entire family!


Final Thoughts:

I give this site both thumbs and a couple toes! I love it! You should definitely try it out! Now’s a great time because they extended their Christmas sale!

Join during SchoolhouseTeachers.com’s Super Christmas Sale and Save!

Use Code:CHRISTMAS for $9.95/month or CHRISTMASYEAR for $90/year.

50% discount on upcoming price increase ends: 15 January 2017

In mid-January,  SchoolhouseTeachers.com is having a price increase. The promotion is to LOCK IN NOW at the $9.95/month rate so that you save 50% on the NEW prices. In about a week and a half this same monthly service will be $19.95/month–approximately twice as much!

Schoolhouse Teachers Half Price Discount
High-quality, Self-paced, Online Homeschool Resources {SchoolhouseTeachers.com}

Crew Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer:The links included in this post may be affiliate links, which means I will earn a commission if you choose to make a purchase. Your purchase will cost the same, with or without using these links. I only recommend products I truly trust and have had experience with. Thank you for choosing to support our blog!

5 Thoughts on “Taking a Look at SchoolhouseTeachers.com – A REVIEW”

  • Thank you, Jaime! Just subscribed!???? Your blog is fresh air to me in our homeschool day. Give those kiddos hugs from me!

    • Thanks Tracy! So good to hear from you! I hope the boys are doing great!! I know you’ll find some really fun resources and courses on that site!

  • Another friend of mine recommended this subscription, and when I signed up earlier this week using my co-op/group discount, it was even cheaper: $83.40/year.

    • Yes, if you can find a good discount to this site, take it. It’s totally worth the full price, but a sale price is best! Their prices are going up, but still a great deal for the money.

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