Week 16 is here! Well, I’d like to say we kept on track as well as last week, but…well… All I can say is that we did make it through and school was done!  As for the condition of the house, and my nerves, that’s another story.

Note: Although these lesson plan posts are about our Foundations lessons, I try to make sure not to include any intellectual property from Classical Conversations Foundations program.  To follow along and do the Foundations program, you will need a Foundations Guide and be part of a CC Community! No actual “memory work” is included here.


Day 1-4: This week we moved on to WWII for history. I’ve continued to use the Adam to Us history book for our daily readings (instead of Story of the World) and have loved it.

Each day we read a portion from Adam to Us about WWII and discussed the review questions at the end of the week.  If you have the book, we read pg. 924-931 which is lesson 136 “World War II.”  I have been working on note-taking, so the girls take notes while I read to them.  My oldest has a hard time with this and now that he’s in high school, it’s beginning to show!  I hope to help my younger ones learn this earlier!

We also completed the Adam to Us Map Book exercise for Lesson 136 for WWII and we also filled in the notes on the Lesson Review and Student Workbook as we read.


Resources used this week:

Day 1: Read What’s Science All About pg. 206 – take notes on Newton’s First Law of Motion

Day 2:  Read DK page 114-115 – take notes on forces.  We used homemade slime and play dough to practice different ways you can put force on an object. We used the pictures on pg. 114

Day 3: Read DK page 120-121 – take notes on friction. We used a few items around us to push and pull over different surfaces to experience friction.

Day 4: Read DK page 122-123 – take notes on gravity and measuring forces.  We talked about the Newtonmeter and also Robert Hooke.


Day 1: Draw and label parts on a Europe map.  I had a list of all the European places and features learning in Foundations (all cycles) and they tried to find them all on their maps (using an atlas when necessary)

Day 2: Draw the world

Day 3: Adam to Us Map Exercise on World War II

Day 4: Draw Europe from memory


Literature & Language Arts:

Both the girls are in Essentials so each day they do their Task Sheets, Charts, and then work on their IEW papers. Right now they are learning to fuse outlines and work on a research paper about Knights.

Spelling is also done daily.  We use Rod & Staff Spelling (6th grade)

Literature:  This week we started reading the Usborne version of Diary of Anne Frank. This goes along with our WWII studies.


Both the girls are now using Math Mammoth. I’m currently doing a review for them so we are trying them out.  We normally use Math U See.  You can check back at the end of the month for a complete review, but so far we really like it.  It’s hard and challenging and it definitely takes longer than Math U See to complete the day’s work, but I feel like it’s going very well!

Don’t forget about CC Review!


These memory work system cards will help you review all your new and old memory work in a systematic way!! It takes about 15 min a day and you’ll see the difference.  Don’t take our word for it…..

I personally use these and recommend them. It’s a great resource to help you keep on track and rotating through memory work! – Debbie C

These led my little memory master to victory last year! – Ess B.

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