Well, if I’ve been out of touch or not responded as quickly as I usually do to your emails or questions, it’s because of this!

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Meet Gabriel Jaimeson Gravitt

I was due to deliver our very much surprise baby on July 18th (yes in 2 days) but due to some health problems of my own (pregnancy induced hypertension and preeclampsia symptoms) I was induced on June 23rd at 36.5 weeks gestation.

We delivered our beautiful and VERY LARGE preemie on June 23rd at 7:40 pm.  He weight 8 lb 9 oz and was 21 1/4 inches long!


Due to some breathing difficulties and jaundice, he was kept in the NICU for 6 days.  It was a very long 6 days of constant trips to the hospital to see him as much as possible.  I was eventually able to hold and even try to nurse him but not till the end.  So pumping every 3 hours became my routine for a week.  I was a mess.  I truly don’t know how some moms do this for any longer!  If you know a  mom of a NICU baby, give them a hug, then clean their house! It’s a very difficult emotional time.

Finally able to hold her little brother
Finally able to hold her little brother

The day AFTER we brought him home, we closed on our new house and began moving in!  It was supposed to happen BEFORE baby arrived, but here we were with a new preemie and a new house.  Thank the Lord that I have plenty of family and friends near me!  My house was moved and mostly unpacked all without me lifting a finger!  My mom was by my side every day and my mother-in-law was a real worker bee! Not to mention the family and friends that came to help with moving or bringing food!

I feel like I’m just now starting to come to life again.  Between the extreme edema (swelling), the migraines, and the hip problems, I could barely move without tons of pain for a couple weeks after birth.   I’m starting to feel myself again and thank goodness I still have a month or so before starting our CC year again! I think I’m going to be okay! 🙂

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Bringing home Gabe

I’m excited also that have some great products for sale.  The profits from these sales really bless our family!  My income helps keep me home and my husband from going crazy! Thank you so much for all your orders and your support!

Click here to visit our store




5 Thoughts on “Welcome Our Newest Little One”

  • Congrats on your little guy… and I’m so happy you are settled now and can maybe adjust to a new normal. 😉 I just emailed you about a product, Jaime.

  • So funny! I gave birth to #4 at 29 weeks (the night before we were supposed to head to Disney!)…brought her home on Oct. 31st and we moved into our new house in Nov!! Crazy times, for sure! Glad he is home & you are all doing well.

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