The most important word of the year

If the word “resolutions” or “goal-setting” makes you feel anxious, then setting a “Word of the Year” might just be the thing for you!

The Most Important Word of the Year

Usually this time of year we hear tons of talk about New Year’s Resolutions. You’ve probably made one or two over the years (or at least thought about it), only to give up on it months later (or maybe even days!). Instead of Resolutions, I love the idea of having a Word of the Year.
A Word of the Year is simply a theme, motto, or aim for our daily lives summed up in one word. It can become the measuring stick that we hold up as we go about our business and make decisions. It becomes a moving force in your mind and heart!

Do Homeschool Moms Really Need a Word of the Year?


As homeschool moms, we need all the help we can get! We might all chose different curriculum or methods, but one thing we have in common is that we are all giving of ourselves to serve the needs of our families every minute of every day! With everything that we do each day, it’s easy to forget that we need to have a focus for ourselves and our family. Setting a focus (or a word) ahead of time helps us stay strong and confident. That word gives us purpose and helps drives us on those days when the toddler colors all over your new couch and your middle school child says he forgot how to multiply!

Do We Need One Word or Two?

I like to pick my personal Word of the Year at the start of the calendar year. Our minds are just set to think that way…the start of something new on January 1st. However, as homeschool families, we also work according to the school calendar. I like to think about our homeschool vision, goals, and Word of the (school) Year before the new school year begins in August. It’s totally up to you though. What makes sense to you? If this is new to you, maybe just start with a personal word and add a word for other areas later. You don’t have to wait until Jan. 1st to add a word by the way!

Word of the Year

So How Do You Find a Word?

Picking a Word of the Year is a very personal choice. Your word can be personal to just you, your marriage, your family, your homeschool….or all the above. It can be chosen together with your spouse and children, or alone. You might even have more than one word for different roles in your life, so you’ll first want to decide who your word will be representing… you, your role as mom/wife/homeschool teacher, etc. Then ask yourself these questions and start brainstorming:

  1. Think about last year. Is there a word that could sum up your growth?
  2. Looking ahead to this year: What do you want /need to accomplish this year?
  3. What areas are you weak and wish you could be stronger?
  4. Think about someone that inspires you: How would you describe them?
  5. Do you have a favorite quote or song? What word/words stand out to you?
  6. If you really reach big, how could you stretch yourself this year?

Write down some words that come to mind as you read these questions. Are there words that keep coming up or that are similar? Pray about it! Ask the Lord to show you what your focus should be! Let Him guide you and give you wisdom as you pick a word to focus on.

Usually, if you just give yourself a moment to really think about it, a word will come to mind. Don’t be afraid of the word!

Make it Visible

Once you have a word, write it down! Mark it on your calendar, in your journal, and even on your wall. Write it big (or print it out) and put it where you can see it. If you like to have a time of meditation or prayer, then use that word as part of your quiet time. You will be amazed how much revelation you will get through the year about your word. I’m always amazed that once I set a word, goal, vision, etc. it always connects to more and more areas in my life, to relationships, and events as the year continues.

My Word of the Year

It’s funny how my word came to me. A friend asked on Facebook to think of a word of something you want in 2018 that starts with the first letter of your name. I sat thinking for a couple minutes and reading other responses (some with the letter J like mine) and then it popped into my head!


As I thought about the word, I loved it more and more! I knew it would become my 2018 Word of the Year! Jubilee can mean celebration, but it also refers to the Year of Jubilee in the Old Testament. It was a time when all debts were canceled and everything returned to their rightful owners. That resonated with me because I have had many ideas, goals, dreams that I gave up on. This is the year they will return to their rightful owner! This will be my year of Jubilee!
How about you? What’s your Word of the Year? It can be simple or profound. Serious or funny. As long as it has meaning to you!


Download this free coloring page with a special scripture just for the New Year! Each month we’ll post another coloring page with a special scripture verse. Get yours today!

New Year Coloring Scripture Page

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